The Germ Theory an Idiots Guide

A transcript of a show I did with Crazzfiles the other day, video version can be found here: How did we get ourselves into this pickle we’re in? What is the main ingredient, the heart that is pumping the fear around the world right now? IT IS The Germ theory. Without this they would neverContinue reading “The Germ Theory an Idiots Guide”

What if Cancer is Not a Disease But a Cure.

Podcast about this article if you’d rather listen: We all have our own personal stories of loss and pain from this dreaded so-called disease so many of you will be saying ‘what the hell am I on about?’ How did a cure kill my mum?My journey started with my own mum, diagnosed before theContinue reading “What if Cancer is Not a Disease But a Cure.”

Contagion a Fairy Story

This was posted in a terrain theory group today and it was such a well put together post it deserves saving for posterity. Put together by Daniel Roytas ***This post contains scientific references of many studies that were undertaken to try and prove that germs cause disease. All of the studies failed*** Where is theContinue reading “Contagion a Fairy Story”

The corona phantom

and what if the viruses don’t exist? Three ways I recommend for understanding and exploring the Corona crisis phenomenon. The first way is to refute the virologists, who make the claims that viruses are disease-causing through studying and exposing their papers. You will find that the statements and actions of the virologists are extremely unscientific.Continue reading “The corona phantom”


Someone posted this lovely little article on facebook and I found it full of great info except for the one glaring cognitive dissonance of firmly believing in germ theory and contagion. I could never share it as is so decided to dissect it myself. I’ll leave the writing as it was and add my ownContinue reading ““14 REASONS WHY MILLIONS OF PEOPLE [NEVER] ONCE DIED FROM INFECTIOUS DISEASES””

Antibiotics – the sense and nonsense of anti-life drugs .

By T.K. Satsang – Member of The-Veritas-Group. Translated with Google translate and edited by Northern Tracey Original German article–Sinn-und-Unsinn-von-Medikamenten-die-gegen-das-Leben-gerichtet-sind-09-29 Antibiotics – a blessing for humanity? If you take a look at the health brokerage house from 1950 you will find a column of 24 lines entered under the search term “antibiotics”. In the 6thContinue reading “Antibiotics – the sense and nonsense of anti-life drugs .”

Something you should know…

It came to my attention while researching for a possible podcast that the whole convid fiasco almost certainly started as a cover-up of the first public trial of China’s, and the worlds, first SARS/cov vaccine (or was it a cover-up of something else, or both?).They have been working on a ‘coronavirus’ vaccine ever since theContinue reading “Something you should know…”

The Spanish Flu (a blueprint for 2020)?

We’ve all now heard of the ‘Spanish Flu’ but why is it so popular right now especially with the ‘producers’ (Gates) and players in their 2020 theatrical masterpiece, Covid19? Lets see……. “The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 actually originated at Fort Riley, Kansas where soldiers reported to the Army’s largest training facility during World WarContinue reading “The Spanish Flu (a blueprint for 2020)?”

“Rhesus Factor”:Analysis of Rhesus Factor Claims. Author: Feli Popescu

Translated and edited by Dawn Lester and Northern Tracey. Original article can be found here: “Rh im Blut” (DER SPIEGEL, August 1948) ”In Alfeld, Lower Saxony, the vivisectors wait for 300 monkeys. In New Delhi, India, a request for urgent transport of the animals is awaited by the relevant ministry. These are Rhesus monkeys.Continue reading ““Rhesus Factor”:Analysis of Rhesus Factor Claims. Author: Feli Popescu”

Modern Medicine is not a science, it is a religion.

(I wrote this about 5 years ago on facebook but they deleted it so I copied it to some other platforms and had to go look for it. I think this was my first article. Just watched a video called Covidanity Unfolding by Thomas Sheridan which reminded me about this.) All through history new ideasContinue reading “Modern Medicine is not a science, it is a religion.”