Alpha Gal and those Ticks

There has been a recent spate of posts and video’s about ticks and mosquitoes causing all sorts of random problems in humans (not so much animals tho) but this new one takes the biscuit. I haven’t been prompted to write about anything for a while but this piqued my interest. Sudden allergies to red meat? Caused by ticks?! It doesn’t get sillier than this (yet).

It’d be interesting to find out how many of these people with the sudden allergy to red meat have also been ‘treated’ with a certain chemo drug specifically for colorectal cancer (said to be caused by redmeat consumption coincidentally) and head and neck cancers. I wonder if there is a connection and ticks are again the scapegoat for big pharma effects. What made me think that you ask? Read on….

They are saying the anaphylaxis is triggered by a sugar compound found in most mammals (except for humans and apes) called galactose-α-1,3-galactose or for short ‘alpha-gal’. Now according to the only comprehensive paper on anaphylaxis by Richet ONLY proteins can induce an anaphylactic state and only by injection into the blood. So why would a simple sugar molecule suddenly be able to do what’s never been done before? Maybe because they are not looking for a protein it may be attached to or part of? Then I found this paper –

It is all about anaphylaxis which was found to be occurring in patients who underwent treatment with a chemo drug called cetuximab. It’s not only a chemical drug tho as it claims to contain a ‘chimeric monoclonal antibody’ which IS a protein. Chimeric also means a hybrid of human and animal source. A mix of human and animal. Nice. They use mice mostly to produce this ‘antibody’/animal protein it says in the paper.

This line near the beginning of the paper says it all – “Due to cross-reactivity with galactose-α-1,3-galactose (alpha-gal), it can induce hypersensitivity even at first administration.” What is this ‘cross-reactivity’ really? I’m not sure the body makes mistakes like this where they claim our bodies can be tricked into ‘attacking itself’. So is ‘alpha-gal’ a part of an actual protein because it sure as shit would not have an anaphylaxis effect on its own. What does wiki have to say about it? Nothing to see here, carry on…..


In this next paper they do mention it being ‘carried’ by proteins –
“Although bovine and porcine proteins were shown to carry the carbohydrate α-Gal, prevailing hypotheses favor the idea that α-Gal carried by lipids, e.g., in meat fat, triggers the allergic symptoms as their slow breakdown may coincide with symptom appearance.”
So there you have it. The ‘alpha-gal’ is IN or ON a protein. Just like they did with germs it is a case of guilty by association. Not to mention most of these people with this new allergy can’t actually say if they remember being bitten by a tick! I’ve been bitten by ticks many times and you KNOW when you’ve been bitten!!

As usual I think this is a case of a massive cover-up of pharma products causing serious problems and blaming it on an insect which has been around as long as mammals have so that no-one thinks to look further into it. Also weren’t they using monoclonal ‘antibodies’ as treatments for ‘covid’ too. I remember them pushing hard on this one. How many people took that untested new ‘treatment’ recently and are the ingredients similar or the same? Just like mRNA ‘therapy’ monoclonal antibodies were being developed for cancer treatments. Everything they try and fail with for cancer gets foisted onto the general public as a cure-all for whatever they can tag it to. Gotta sell those drugs somehow….

The first paper linked above was written in 2021 about the time they were trying to push monoclonal antibodies as a novel and exciting new treatment for everything from covid to cancer. Very suspicious wouldn’t you say?

Another drug with a very similar name came up in a search and interestingly it was said to cause the covid vaccine to ‘not work’. This similar sounding drug must also be a monoclonal antibody drug with the same ending in its name huh. That’s usually how they play it. It is said to be used for lymphoma (blood cancers) hmmm another covid (vaccine) link with their blood abnormalities?

In this paper they recommended that all cancer patients be vaccinated against covid 19 PRIOR to their cancer treatment because the treatment would make the vaccine not work (as in it doesn’t produce ‘antibodies’ their fave way of saying the vaccines work yeh.

This alpha-gal could be IN MANY pharma products and no-one seems to know which ones hence they are developing a test for it from the blood of someone already anaphylaxized to it to test other medications and VACCINES!!! OK if that doesn’t tell you they have no clue what they’re doing here then I don’t know what will –

Why would they blame ticks you may ask. Well for one it’s convenient, they’ve been blaming all sorts on them recently so why not this too. Another reason is to bring in their ‘global warming/climate change into the mix blaming that for the rise in tick bites and a longer breeding season (which is not true). Lastly it adds another reason to fear going out into nature and to stay in your 15 minute cities where you absolutely belong if you believed this bullshit so far. Stop looking at the bloody ticks and look where they don’t want you looking! At the pharmaceutical products in their mass testing phases. Yes you are the test subjects here. The animal tests have never worked they only know the outcome once they test on humans.

One last thing before I go, I wonder how many people could be simply reacting to something IN the meat and don’t actually have anaphylaxis at all. What are they putting in the animals these days? mRNA? GMO’d feed? Multiple vaccines and antibiotics? The majority of animals bred for food are not bred at all. They very rarely actually let the animals do the dirty themselves no, they have complete control over what egg and sperm get together. Are they messing with that too? You betcha. Yes to all those things and more now. Maybe the meat itself is making people sick. Just a thought.

It came to my attention today, a week after writing this, that Christine Massey wrote a FOI about the tick story. She asked the CDC for – “All studies – in the possession, custody or control of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and/or the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease
Registry (ATSDR) and/or the people who are responsible for the CDC’s claims that tick bites cause various health problems – that:
scientifically prove/provide evidence for causation of Lyme disease or any other adverse health effect/condition/sensitivity by tick bites”
The final answer was received yesterday 25th August 2023. It states –

Here are the documents

(Thankyou to Nina Khosla for her proof reading.)

Published by northerntracey

Independent researcher since 1985 into cancer, vaccines and more recently germ theory and virology. Anti-vivisectionist and animal rights campaigner. Artist and illustrator. Veganic/permaculture food producer.

27 thoughts on “Alpha Gal and those Ticks

  1. A co-worker friend of mine was diagnosed with Alpha-Gal Syndrome within the past year.

    She is in her 60’s and never before had a reaction to red meat.

    At first should would break out in hives and have trouble breathing when eating red meat. A few weeks ago she forgot and ate a Taco at Taco Bell and within a couple of hours the Pharmacist where we work had to inject her with an epi pen to save her life.

    I witnessed this. I asked her what chemo she was given when she had cancer but she did not recall. She was given chemo over twenty years ago.

    The one thing I know for sure is that she gets multiple tick bites each week. She lives in an area infested with ticks. I’ll be talking to her at work and will watch her remove ticks that she unknowingly brought to work with her.

    She is anti-vaxx like me and didn’t get the Covid-19 vaccine or monoclonal antibodies when she had a mild case of COVID-19.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If it’s something new (not alpha-gal) that’s in the dead flesh (vaccines, mRNA etc- if you are anti vax you have to not eat in Taco Bell for sure!), it could still be connected via the ticks sucking on the blood of an animal and then ‘injecting’ it into a human. This could explain other ‘conditions’ after tick bites too


  2. I met a guy who had the lone star tick allergy to meat at a group meetup years ago.
    He recently left a farm place that he worked at because the mold was making him sick.
    But never mind that, it must have been a tick, because at the time we were being told it’s lonestar ticks…


  3. I had actually read about this strangely titled “alpha-gal-red-meat-disease-caused-by -lonestar-woodtick” several years back: five, maybe six years ago. After I ‘tried’ to discuss with disinterested friends /family members (“what? ya’think they created this in a petri dish do ya … and, found it on the INTERNET, did ya?? bwaahaaahaa,” they said) the story disappeared. Around the same time, certain online fear-mongering platforms (I have not watched msm newz for going on two decades) were having fun with stories of numerous other (I say designer) mammalian mystery maladies, such as paralysis in elderly in nursing homes – only in Illinois; dog flus in Alaska that are able to jump species; reptilian-like human skin growths; of course, the ‘zika’, with its horrific physical manifestations in newborns …

    My point then and now is that this gov- /who-sanctioned meddling with nature taking place in bio-labs across the world should be banned and outlawed.

    Needless to say, covid came as no surprise. What did come as a surprise, a shocking surprise, is how scared people became; how they would . not . listen to reason but instead lined up lockstep and complied.


  4. Nice to see you back Tracey. It’s been a long time. I am just so sick of all this Pharmapropaganda that I just ignore everything I read/ hear that is sullied by their input. That goes for mainstream medicine in general to be honest. These people are ruining our world with their meddling …………….as though God needs any help from nefarious profit obsessed bodies like them. Growing your own food and where you can’t, trying to buy organic , seems the only way forward at the moment but they’ll find ways to get us . By hook or by crook . Disbelief in viruses goes a long way to help and even germs ( bacteria ) are not nearly so lethal as they need us to think. I have been bitten by all sorts of insects and survived. Uncomfortable for a bit but the body does what it has evolved to do . Heal itself. I can safely say that I wouldn’t go near a hospital or doctor even if I was dying. I’d rather die in peace than take their vile medications.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. “Stop looking at the bloody ticks and look where they don’t want you looking! At the pharmaceutical products in their mass testing phases.”

    When we hear of Big Pharma doing “testing”, some or most will believe that these fraudulent companies actually develop real medecine. Get over it – these people know what they are doing, and helping people get well is not on their list. So the “mass testisng” is merely an early stage of a disinformation campaign.

    When it comes to animals, they are all heavily vaxed which is hard to know as they live such short lives. We eat vaccines – and of course hormones and other drugs too. But no doubt vaccines are the most obvious toxines we find in animal produce. Five doses in a 28 day old chicken before becoming McNuggets. Oh – and did you know poultry have no urinary tract, hence can’t pee out any liquid ?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thanks.for.another.well.researched.article.Tracey


      1. Hi.Tracey.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hiya, I am banned from commenting on Sam Bailey’s odyssey and substack channel (although Mike Stone links to me in his, so a weird situation) because I have tried to correct her on issues surrounding animal ag. Therefore i don’t watch or follow her. However her post is titled ‘war on meat’ so I assume it is framed as propaganda that ‘they’ want to take away our ‘right’ to eat dead flesh. They do this in order to increase price and demand for animal products.. Though it sounds more like a war on ticks to me. And to cover up Pharma reactions.
        I disagree about climate change too. Who wants to cast doubt on global warming? Who stands to gain $trillions from the oil still in the ground and from farming billions of sentient beings? The ‘globalist agenda’ of villains making a few bob from carbon taxes was created by the global companies making a killing from fossil fuels and the twin industries of big animal ag/big pharma, who don’t want us depopulated at all, but rather fat, sick and on drugs

        Liked by 2 people

  7. Before investigating the effects of a molecule on human health, the existence of that molecule must be proven.

    I have not yet found anyone who refuses to take as a real fact the existence of hypothetical sub-atomic particles, hypothetical atoms, and hypothetical molecules, simply because so-called scientists speak of all this as something already proved by it exists beyond any doubt.

    All those who challenge Western biology and medicine start from the belief that the existence of hypothetical sub-atomic particles, hypothetical atoms, and hypothetical molecules has already been proven beyond all doubt.

    In fact, for all those who challenge Western biology and medicine, including the idea of proof beyond a reasonable doubt has been blindly taken from the so-called scientists without ever critically analyzing it with their own reason.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. So my sister and her son have had this for over ten years and live in Southern New Jersey. Her son developed it about 8 years after she did and a neighbor also developed it. My sister read the book Bitten which is a quick and fascinating read about the weaponization of ticks by US government in the long ago past, post WW2 maybe, no surprises but just a glimpse at the pure evil we deal with. My sister was curious if she had passed it to him breastfeeding and it developed in him over years, as hers was anaphylaxis right off and his developed more slowly and even seems somewhat under control, though he did have to Eli-pen himself once evidently. My sighted got a bad case of lymes with two bullseye rashes and ZERO tick bites as she was two and in that phase where she had thin blonde hair and got a bath every night. I am almost positive it was because we were drinking raw milk from a local farm where cows were most likely infected (we were all overrun with the black legged rocks near Temple, NH). In any event, the ticks are weaponized and disabling people, and you have one disabled adult and it takes another productive adult to care for them so you’ve pretty much just stealthily weakening a population and they’re easier to control. These ancient satanic families with the help of the captured federal agencies are the plague. It’s even been proposed that Lymes might be transmitted between partners. The more complex the witches brew the less likely of a recovery. These are very complex weapons designed for specific purposes, no doubt. Most are realizing that toxins and parasites are behind most so called viruses and even cancer.


    1. Mary,
      Your comment, while I sympathize with you over these health problems, is full of misinformation and fraudulent beliefs. Dig more deeply into credible sources of all you are stating and you will find none of that is true. Your health problems are not because of raw milk, weaponized ticks, or transmission between people of anything. Believing these things keeps you from actually healing which is totally possible.


      1. You state:
        “Believing these things keeps you from actually healing which is totally possible.”

        So what heals Alpha Gal Syndrome? Let me know so that I can let my friend know.


    2. Hiya, there is certainly something going on in the Lone star tic counties, with sensitivity reactions to cetuximab and to eating meat. Whether it is because of the tics or something else in the environment, such as pollen or pesticides, with which their presence is associated, who knows? As for treatment; it would seem to be avoid monoclonal antibody therapy and to stop eating meat.


  9. That cetuximab causes immediate sensitivity reactions in 20% of people in south-eastern states (lone star tick country) but only in 1% of northeastern people is very interesting. Something in the south eastern states causing sensitivity to both intravenous monoclonal antibodies and eating dead animals.
    I looked up the efficacy of Cetuximab, it is used in combo with chemo, compared to chemo alone there was a 0.6% reduction in death and a 1 month and 10 day increase in overall survival, that is according to convicted criminals with huge vested interests.


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